The NYF program employs an innovative “plan-then-act” strategy that couples strategic planning with immediate implementation. Communities are paired with a consultant team and a project manager from the DOS who guide them through a targeted, community-based planning process focused on the development of a Strategic Investment Plan (SIP).
The SIP builds upon the community's NYF application, including the preliminary community vision for revitalization and the proposed project list. The planning process will refine the vision, develop actionable goals and strategies, and identify a suite of complementary and transformative projects to help the community achieve its vision for downtown revitalization. A Local Planning Committee (LPC) comprised of local and regional leaders, stakeholders, and community representatives intended to represent diverse interests is convened to oversee the planning process and the development of the SIP. Over the course of the planning process, the LPC — with significant support from the State team and a consultant team — will work closely with the local community to:
Develop a clear and concise downtown profile and assessment to articulate the story of the region and the downtown and identify key challenges and opportunities.
Review and refine the vision statement included in the NYF application.
Establish goals and strategies to achieve the community’s vision.
Identify, develop, and evaluate projects that could advance the community’s vision, goals, and strategies for revitalization.
Develop detailed project profiles for each project that the LPC recommends for NYF funding (the LPC will identify a final slate of projects totaling between $6 and $8 million; in excess of the available NYF funding).
Undertake broad public engagement throughout the entire planning process to solicit input, shape the community’s vision for downtown, identify projects, and build support for plan implementation.
A consultant team will compile the SIP, which will be submitted to the State. Following the final submission of the SIP to the State, a multi-agency State team will review each project recommended for NYF funding. A subset of the projects submitted in the SIP will be awarded funding by the State. Following the review period, project awards will be announced by the State. Project contracts will be negotiated and executed between project sponsors and relevant State agencies shortly after the award announcements. The contracts will be administered by a variety of agencies and authorities, with the majority held by the New York State Department of State (DOS), Empire State Development (ESD), and Homes & Community Renewal (HCR). In general, awarded project funding are provided on a reimbursement basis.